It’s desirable to read privacy policy

Privacy policy for making money on


Welcome to "Tesga," a platform dedicated to providing top-notch services that connect professionals and clients from around the world. At "Tesga," we deeply understand the importance of privacy and security in the digital age. Therefore, we are committed to protecting the personal data of our users and communicating transparently about how we use your information.

This Privacy Policy serves as our commitment to inform you about the types of data we collect, how we use that data, with whom we share it, and what measures we take to protect your privacy. Our goal is to provide you with clarity and control over your information while using "Tesga," enabling you to have a secure and reliable experience.

We understand the importance of transparency and respecting your rights regarding personal data. Therefore, we invite you to carefully read this Privacy Policy and familiarize yourself with our practices. Your trust is crucial to us, and we are dedicated to maintaining it through continuous commitment to protecting your personal information.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or data processing practices, feel free to contact us through the available support channels. Together, we build "Tesga" - a platform where you can securely share, collaborate, and grow without compromising your privacy.


On the "Tesga" platform, data collection is necessary to provide efficient and personalized services. We commit to collecting only the data that is necessary for us to provide our services in the best possible way. The collected information can be categorized into the following groups:

Personal Data

When you register to use "Tesga," we collect basic personal data that you voluntarily provide to us. This data typically includes your name, email address, phone number, as well as any other information you choose to share in your profile, such as professional skills and experience.

Usage Data

We collect information about how you use our platform, including the types of services you browse or post, interactions with other users, as well as the time and duration of your sessions. This data helps us understand your preferences and improve your experience on "Tesga."

Technical Data

To ensure the proper functioning of the platform, we collect technical data about the devices and systems you use to access "Tesga." This includes information such as IP address, browser type, operating system, as well as other data that helps us detect and resolve technical issues.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

We use cookies and similar technologies to collect data that helps us personalize your experience on "Tesga" and provide you with relevant content. This may include information about your previous visits, settings you have chosen, as well as your interactions with ads on our platform.

All collected data is processed with the highest level of discretion and integrity. We commit to never selling your personal data to third parties or using it for purposes not explicitly stated in this Privacy Policy.

Your privacy is our priority. We are committed to transparency in all our data collection processes and strive to provide you with clear information on how your data is used and protected on "Tesga."


The data collected on the "Tesga" platform is utilized for several key purposes aimed at enhancing user experience, ensuring platform security, and providing personalized services and content. The goal is to enable efficient, secure, and satisfactory platform usage for all users. Here's a more detailed overview of how the data is utilized:

Providing and Improving Services

The collected data forms the foundation for delivering the services that "Tesga" offers. It is used to establish and maintain your account, facilitate interaction between users, and process and execute business agreements. The data also enables "Tesga" to develop new features, improve existing services, and ensure that the platform remains relevant and meets the needs of users.

Experience Personalization

By analyzing your data, "Tesga" can personalize your experience on the platform by presenting content that is most relevant to your interests and needs. This includes ad recommendations, customized searches, and content that aligns with your professional interests.

Marketing Activities

"Tesga" may use collected data to target and optimize marketing campaigns, promotions, and advertisements. The aim is to present users with information about services or offers that may be of interest and to measure the effectiveness of these marketing efforts.

Communication with Users

The collected data enables "Tesga" to communicate effectively with its users. This includes sending important notifications about changes to services or privacy policies, as well as responding to user inquiries or providing support.

Analysis and Research

"Tesga" utilizes collected data for analysis and research to better understand trends and behavioral patterns of users on the platform. These analyses help identify potential improvements and innovations in services, as well as maintain the platform's competitiveness.

Security and Legal Compliance

Data is crucial for maintaining security on the "Tesga" platform. It is used to identify and prevent potential fraud, misuse, as well as to protect the rights and property of "Tesga" and its users. The collected data also assists "Tesga" in remaining compliant with legal and regulatory requirements, including but not limited to data protection and privacy requirements.


At "Tesga," the commitment to the privacy of our users is the cornerstone of our business. We understand the importance and trust users place in us by providing their personal information. Therefore, we want to clearly emphasize our commitment: "Tesga" will never share, sell, or otherwise disclose the personal information of our users to third parties without explicit user consent. Here's how we achieve this:

Strict Data Control

All personal information we collect is used exclusively within "Tesga" to provide, improve, and personalize the services we offer. Our internal protocols and security measures ensure that user data is strictly protected and only accessible to authorized personnel.

No Selling of Data

One of our fundamental commitments is that we will never sell our users' personal information to third parties. We understand that this information is entrusted to "Tesga," and we treat it with the utmost care and integrity.

Data Disclosure Only by Legal Obligation

The only circumstance in which "Tesga" might disclose personal data is in response to a legal request, such as a court order. Even in these situations, we carefully review each request to ensure that there is a valid legal basis for disclosure and inform the respective user of the request before any disclosure, if permitted by law.

Transparency and Communication

We will always be transparent about our data processing practices. If there are any changes in how we process personal data, we will inform users and provide them with the option to choose before those changes take effect.

Protection of User Rights

"Tesga" protects users' rights regarding their privacy and personal data. Users can review, update, or request deletion of their data at any time, as well as withdraw consent for its processing.

We deeply appreciate the trust that users place in us by providing their personal information. Our commitment not to share your information with third parties without a clear need and your explicit consent reflects our dedication to protecting your privacy at the highest level.


On the "Tesga" platform, the security of your data is our top priority. Understanding the importance of protecting the personal and professional information of our users, we apply strict security measures and protocols to ensure the protection of your data from unauthorized access, use, alteration, loss, or destruction. Here's how "Tesga" approaches data security:


All personal data transmitted through "Tesga" is encrypted using state-of-the-art encryption techniques. This ensures that, even in the rare event of interception, your data remains inaccessible and unreadable to unauthorized parties.

Regular Security Audits

"Tesga" regularly conducts security audits and penetration tests to identify and address any security vulnerabilities. These audits allow us to stay ahead of potential threats and ensure that our defenses are robust and up-to-date.

Incident Response Protocols

In the event of a security incident, "Tesga" has established protocols for a rapid response, enabling effective addressing and resolution of the issue. This includes notifying affected users and relevant regulatory bodies, as necessary, as well as taking steps to prevent future incidents.

Limited Access

Access to personal data on "Tesga" is strictly limited to personnel who need to know that information to perform their business tasks. All employees and collaborators with access to personal data are trained on the importance of privacy and data security.

User Education

"Tesga" invests in educating users about best practices for online security, including tips for strengthening passwords, recognizing phishing attacks, and other strategies to protect their accounts and data.

We understand the seriousness of security threats in the digital world, so "Tesga" is committed to providing a secure environment for all its users. Through a combination of cutting-edge technological solutions, regular security audits, and ongoing education, we protect your data with the highest degree of responsibility and care.


The privacy policy of the "Tesga" platform provides a series of rights designed to give users control over their personal data. These rights are in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant privacy laws. Here's a detailed overview of the rights users have regarding their personal data on "Tesga":

Right to Access

Users have the right to request access to the personal data that "Tesga" holds about them. This includes the right to be informed about what data is being processed, the purpose of processing, and with whom that data may be shared.

Right to Rectification

If users discover that the information "Tesga" has about them is inaccurate or incomplete, they have the right to request correction of that data.

Right to Erasure (Right to be Forgotten)

Users can request that "Tesga" deletes their personal data from its systems, under certain conditions, such as when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Right to Restriction of Processing

Under certain circumstances, users have the right to request that "Tesga" temporarily restrict the processing of their personal data. For example, if a user disputes the accuracy of the data, they can request a restriction on its processing until accuracy is verified.

Right to Data Portability

Users have the right to receive their personal data they have provided to "Tesga" in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to transmit those data to another controller.

Right to Object

Users have the right to object to the processing of their personal data at any time, particularly in relation to direct marketing, statistical processing, or based on "Tesga's" legitimate interests.

Right Not to be Subject to Automated Individual Decision-Making

Users have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning them or similarly significantly affects them.

"Tesga" is committed to ensuring easy exercise of these rights for all users. For more information on how you can exercise your rights or if you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, users can contact "Tesga" directly through the contact information provided on the platform.

With these rights, "Tesga" seeks to ensure transparency, trust, and respect for user privacy, promoting responsible and ethical management of personal data in the digital space.


"Tesga" understands that technological and regulatory landscapes are constantly evolving, which may require updates to our Privacy Policy. To ensure continuous protection of user data and compliance with the law, "Tesga" reserves the right to periodically change, amend, or update this Privacy Policy. Here's how we will communicate these changes and what they mean for our users.

Notification of Changes

When there are changes to our Privacy Policy that may significantly affect the way your personal data is processed or your rights, we commit to informing you before those changes take effect. Notification may be sent via email, posted on our platform, or through other means of communication we deem appropriate to inform you.

Transparency of Changes

All changes to our Privacy Policy will be clearly documented and published on our platform. At the beginning of the revised Privacy Policy, the effective date and a summary of key changes will be provided. We encourage users to regularly review the Privacy Policy to stay informed about how "Tesga" protects their data.

Review and Adaptability

We understand that some users may not agree with changes to the Privacy Policy. In such cases, users will be provided with the option to adjust their privacy settings or, if possible, to revoke consent for certain types of data processing. Ultimately, users have the right to deactivate their account if they no longer wish to use "Tesga" under the new terms.

Your Questions and Feedback

"Tesga" values feedback from its users and is open to any questions you may have regarding changes to the Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, we encourage you to contact us. Our team is dedicated to providing clear answers and solutions to all your inquiries.

The goal is for "Tesga" to maintain a high standard of privacy protection and user data while enabling flexibility and adaptation of services in line with changing technical and legal requirements. Communicating changes to our Privacy Policy is a key part of our commitment to transparency and building trust with our community.


For "Tesga," your feedback and questions are of paramount importance. Our commitment to transparency and responsibility regarding the protection of your personal data is unwavering, and we are aware of the importance of accessibility and openness to all your questions and concerns.

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, data processing practices, or if you wish to exercise any of your rights regarding personal data, please contact us through one of the following channels:

  • Email Address: For direct inquiries or concerns, you can contact us via email at [email address]. We promise a prompt response to your inquiries, usually within 48 hours.
  • Phone: For those who prefer direct communication, our customer support team is available by phone at [phone number]. Our representatives are here to assist you [specify working hours].
  • Contact Form on the Website: Additionally, you can use the contact form available on our website to send direct messages. Simply fill in the required fields and submit your query or comment, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.

"Tesga" is dedicated to continuous improvement and values your input. Whether it's feedback on our services, privacy-related questions, or suggestions for improvement, we look forward to hearing from you. Our team works hard to ensure that your experience with "Tesga" is safe, pleasant, and productive, and we appreciate every opportunity to assist you and enhance your experience.