It’s desirable to read terms of use

Terms of use for making money on

Welcome to the "Tesga" platform – your gateway to the world of professional opportunities where innovation and connectivity shape the foundation of our collective success. "Tesga" is not just a platform, it’s a dynamic community that transcends traditional barriers in employment and the freelance industry, offering a unique space for anyone looking to expand their professional horizons.

Our mission is to enable users to efficiently and effectively fulfill their business needs and aspirations, whether it be individuals seeking employment or employers seeking talents. We understand the complexity of the modern employment field and have responded by creating a platform that fosters flexibility, creativity, and collaboration.

"Tesga" is designed with a focus on ease of use, whether you are an experienced professional or just entering the world of freelance work. Our platform allows users to quickly post or find ads, communicate with potential collaborators, and negotiate partnership details, all in one place.

The fundamental principles upon which "Tesga" is built are transparency, integrity, and innovation. Our platform is a place where:

  • Transparency ensures that all collaboration terms are clearly stated and easy to understand.
  • Integrity promotes respect and professionalism among all users.
  • Innovationencourages users to find new ways to enhance their skills and business models.

Whether you offer programming, design, writing, consulting, or any other freelance services, or you are seeking reliable professionals to support your business, "Tesga" is where real connections are made. With advanced search tools, an intuitive communication interface, and detailed user profiles, we enable you to easily navigate the process of finding ideal business opportunities or talents.

We believe in the power of community and strive to provide a platform that not only serves as a bridge between employers and freelancers but also fosters growth, learning, and experience sharing. Together, we are building an ecosystem that knows no boundaries, a place where everyone has the opportunity to progress, learn, and achieve their professional goals.

Welcome to "Tesga" – where your future collaborations begin.


"Tesga" operates as a conduit between those offering and seeking freelance services, providing a platform that facilitates every aspect of collaboration. Here's a detailed description of how the platform works, ensuring that users can easily connect, communicate, and execute business agreements.

Registration and Profile Creation

The first step for users is to create a profile on "Tesga". The registration process requires users to enter basic information such as name, surname, contact details, as well as details specific to the type of services they offer. This allows "Tesga" to tailor the user experience, maximizing the relevance of offers and demands.

Posting Advertisements

Users offering services can post ads that describe in detail what they offer, including areas of specialization, prices, availability, and collaboration conditions. On the other hand, users seeking services browse ads by specifying specific requirements, budget, and availability by date on the calendar.

Search and Filtering

"Tesga" offers advanced search and filtering options that allow users to easily find ads that match their needs. Filters include service categories, location, type of payment (hourly or per project), and other relevant parameters.

Communication and Agreement

Once a user finds an ad of interest, "Tesga" enables direct communication between parties through an integrated messaging system. This facilitates discussion of job details, including negotiations on price, deadlines, and specific project requirements.

Execution of Business Agreement

Once both parties agree on the terms of collaboration, "Tesga" provides tools and resources to assist in executing the agreed-upon work. Although "Tesga" serves as a platform for connecting parties, the actual execution of the business agreement is conducted on the platform (via "Chat" on "Tesga") or outside the platform.

Protection and Support

"Tesga" pays special attention to the protection of users and their data, ensuring a secure business environment. The platform also provides support to users in case of any questions or issues regarding the use of services.


Terms of Use

This document defines the rules and conditions under which users may access and use the services of "Tesga". By accepting these terms, users agree to use the platform in an ethically acceptable manner and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Registration and User Account

  • Users are obligated to provide accurate, current, and complete information about themselves during registration.
  • Maintaining the security of the user account, including safeguarding the password, is the sole responsibility of the user.
  • "Tesga" reserves the right to suspend or deactivate any account that violates the terms of use.

Rules of Conduct

  • Posting, promoting, or distributing content that is unlawful, offensive, pornographic, false, deceptive, harmful, disturbing, threatening, invades others' privacy, or in any way detrimental is strictly prohibited.
  • Users must not use the platform for illegal activities, including but not limited to fraud, identity theft, or malware distribution.

Intellectual Property

  • All content that users post on the platform must be their original work or they must have all necessary rights to publish it.
  • Users grant "Tesga" a limited, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, publicly display, and distribute the content in accordance with the provision of platform services.

Limitation of Liability

  • "Tesga" shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use or inability to use the platform, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages.

Changes to Terms of Use

  • "Tesga" reserves the right to amend and edit these terms of use at any time. Changes take effect immediately upon posting on the platform.

General Rules of Conduct

  • Respect and professionalism: All users are expected to treat other users with respect. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of abuse will not be tolerated.
  • Accuracy of information: When posting ads or creating profiles, users are responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of information. Intentionally providing false or misleading information is prohibited.
  • Prohibited content: It is strictly forbidden to post any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, offensive, defamatory, vulgar, pornographic, promotes violence, discrimination, or has any other inappropriate character.
  • Use for legal purposes:The "Tesga" platform may only be used for legal purposes. Using the platform to conduct or promote illegal activities is prohibited.

Rules on Intellectual Property

  • Respect for copyright:Respect for copyright: Users are obliged to respect the copyrights and intellectual property rights of others. Posting content for which users do not have appropriate permissions or rights is prohibited.
  • Licensing and sharing of content:By posting content on the platform, users grant "Tesga" a limited license to use, distribute, and display that content within the provision of platform services.

Privacy and Security

  • Protection of personal data: "Tesga" commits to protecting the privacy and personal data of users in accordance with applicable data protection laws and the platform's privacy policy.
  • Account security:Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their accounts and passwords. It is recommended to use strong passwords and regularly update access credentials.

Dispute Resolution

  • Dispute resolution process:In the event of disputes between users, "Tesga" may offer mechanisms for dispute resolution, including mediation or arbitration, to reach a peaceful resolution.
  • Reporting inappropriate behavior:Users encountering inappropriate behavior or content on the platform should inform "Tesga" administrators through designated reporting channels.

By implementing these rules, "Tesga" aims to create a safe, professional, and respectful environment where all users can thrive and collaborate successfully.


Help Center

"Tesga" has an extensive Help Center containing articles, guides, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) covering a wide range of topics from registration, posting ads, to account management. This resource is designed to provide users with immediate answers to common questions and guide them through the platform usage process.

Contact Form

For direct questions or specific issues not addressed in the Help Center, users can use the contact form available on the platform. "Tesga" commits to responding to all inquiries as soon as possible, within 48 hours.

Email Support

"Tesga" also offers support via email, allowing users to communicate directly with the support team. The support email address is clearly stated on the website, and the support team is dedicated to providing quick and efficient solutions to all inquiries.

Transparency Policy

"Tesga" is committed to transparency in all aspects of support and assistance to users. All procedures, from responding to inquiries to resolving issues, are conducted openly and fairly, with constant efforts to improve service quality.


For a platform like "Tesga," compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is essential to ensure that user privacy is respected and protected in accordance with the highest standards.

GDPR Compliance

GDPR requires organizations to transparently process personal data of EU citizens, giving individuals greater control over their data. To comply with GDPR, "Tesga" should establish the following practices:

  • Consent: "Tesga" must obtain clear consent from users before processing personal data.
  • Right to access and rectification: Users have the right to access their personal data held by "Tesga" and request correction if the data is inaccurate.
  • Right to erasure: Users can request the deletion of their personal data.
  • Data security: "Tesga" must take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction.
  • Data breach notification: In the event of a data breach, "Tesga" is required to notify the relevant regulatory authorities and users within the specified time frame.

CCPA Compliance

CCPA gives California residents the right to know what personal data companies collect about them and to request deletion of that data. To be compliant with CCPA, "Tesga" must:

  • Transparency: Clearly inform users about what personal data is collected, for what purposes, and with whom that data is shared.
  • Right to access: Enable users to request details about the personal data "Tesga" processes about them.
  • Right to deletion: Allow users to request the deletion of their personal data from "Tesga" databases.
  • Right to opt-out: Enable users to opt out of the sale of their personal data to third parties.